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Adnan's Call Log

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34Hae home12:01 a.m.0:02
33Hae home12:35 a.m.1:24
32Jay10:45 a.m.0:28
31Jenn home12:07 p.m.0:21
30Jenn home12:41 p.m.1:29
29incoming12:43 p.m.0:24
28incoming2:36 p.m.0:05
27incoming3:15 p.m.0:20
26Jenn home3:21 p.m.0:42
25Nisha3:32 p.m.2:22
24Phil3:48 p.m.1:25
23Patrick3:59 p.m.0:25
22Jenn home4:12 p.m.0:28
21incoming4:27 p.m.2:56
20incoming4:58 p.m.0:19
19incoming5:14 p.m.1:07
18# + Adnan cell5:14 p.m.1:07
17Krista5:38 p.m.0:02
16incoming6:07 p.m.0:56
15incoming6:09 p.m.0:53
14incoming6:24 p.m.4:15
13Yaser cell6:59 p.m.0:27
12Jenn pager7:00 p.m.0:23
11incoming7:09 p.m.0:33
10incoming7:16 p.m.0:32
9Jenn pager8:04 p.m.0:32
8Jenn pager8:05 p.m.0:13
7Nisha9:01 p.m.1:24
6Krista9:03 p.m.5:28
5Krista9:10 p.m.8:41
4Nisha9:57 p.m.0:24
3Yaser cell10:02 p.m.0:06
2Saad10:29 p.m.0:18
1'Ann'10:30 p.m.1:44

Adnan's Story

  • Photography class
  • English class
  • Adnan calls Jay and offers to lend him his car.
  • Lunch period
  • Jay drops Adnan back off at school.
  • 11:15-12:50 p.m.
  • 12:50-2:15 p.m.
  • 1:27 p.m.

    There's a note at the top of Miss Paoletti's lesson plan for January 13, 1999 that says 'Adnan Syed late: (arrived 1:27)'

  • Adnan goes to the Woodlawn Public Library to check his email. Has conversation with Asia.
  • Track practice

    Track coach Michael Sye testified that practice was usually from 4:00 to 5:30 or 6:00 p.m.

  • Jay picks Adnan up from track practice.

    Adnan says since it was Ramadan, he and Jay probably went to get something to eat right after track. Then he says they probably went to smoke weed somewhere.

  • Adnan and Jay go to 'Cathy's' house.
  • Officer Adcock calls Adnan looking for Hae.
  • Adnan goes home, picks up food to take to his father at the mosque.
  • Evening prayers at the mosque, according to Adnan's father's testimony.

Jay's 1st Interview

  • Jay gets a call from Adnan.
  • Adnan arrives at Jay's house. They go to Westview Mall and Adnan tells Jay that he's going to kill Hae.
  • Jay drops Adnan off at school and keeps Adnan's phone and car.
  • Jay goes to Jenn's house and hangs out there for about three hours.
  • Jenn gets home from work.
  • Adnan calls Jay and tells Jay to meet him at a 'strip' off Edmondson Ave.
  • At the meeting point off Edmondson Ave., Adnan shows Jay Hae's body in the trunk of her car.
  • Adnan and Jay ditch Hae's car at the I-70 Park and Ride.
  • Adnan and Jay smoke a blunt at Patapsco State Park. They stay there for about 30 minutes.

    Patapsco State Park is about a 20-minute drive from the Park and Ride and from Woodlawn High School.

  • Jay drops Adnan off at track practice and goes home.
  • Adnan calls Jay on the cell phone and asks Jay to pick him up from practice.

    At the trial, Adnan's track coach says practice ran from about 4:00 p.m. until 5:30 - 6:00 p.m.

  • Jay and Adnan go to McDonald's. The police call Adnan while they're eating, looking for Hae.
  • They leave McDonald's and go to Jay's house for a shovel and pick.
  • Jay and Adnan return to the Park and Ride to retrieve Hae's car.
  • They drive around the area. Adnan is driving Hae's car, Jay is driving Adnan's car.
  • Adnan and Jay arrive at Leakin Park, and Adnan buries Hae's body in the woods. Jay says it takes Adnan about a half an hour.
  • Adnan and Jay leave Leakin Park and drive around some more, until finally ditching Hae's car in a residential lot.
  • Adnan throws Hae's things and the shovel into a dumpster at Westview Mall.
  • Adnan and Jay go to 7-Eleven.
  • Adnan drops Jay off at home.
  • Jay tells Jenn that Adnan killed Hae.

    Jenn told the detectives that she took Jay to throw his clothes out the next day.


Jay's 2nd Interview

  • Jay gets a call from Adnan.
  • Adnan arrives at Jay's house. They go to Security Square Mall and Adnan tells Jay that he's going to kill Hae.
  • Jay drops Adnan off at school and keeps Adnan's phone and car.
  • Jay goes to Jenn's house and plays video games with her brother.
  • Jenn comes home from work. Jay tells Jenn about Adnan's plans to kill Hae.
  • Jay gets three calls from Adnan while at Jenn's house, two on the cell phone and one on Jenn's landline.
  • Jay doesn't hear from Adnan, so he leaves Jenn's house.
  • Adnan calls Jay when Jay is halfway home to say 'Come and get me, I'm at Best Buy.'
  • Adnan shows Jay Hae's body in the trunk of her car at the Best Buy parking lot.
  • Adnan and Jay ditch Hae's car at the I-70 Park and Ride and head to the Forest Park neighborhood looking for weed.
  • On the way to Forest Park to buy weed, Adnan calls Nisha.

    The cell tower that originates this call is L651C, which doesn't cover the area where Jay says they're driving.

  • Jay calls his friend Patrick to score some weed.

    The cell tower that originates this call is L651A, which doesn't cover the area where Jay says they're driving.

  • Adnan and Jay smoke a blunt at Patapsco State Park. They stay there 20-30 minutes.
  • Jay drops Adnan off at track practice.
  • Jay drives to Gilston Park to smoke a blunt by himself. Then he drives back to his house, and then to 'Cathy's' house to smoke weed there for another 10-20 minutes.
  • Adnan calls Jay on the cell phone and asks Jay to pick him up from track practice.
  • Jay picks Adnan up from track practice.
  • Jay and Adnan go back to 'Cathy's' house.
  • Hae's brother calls Adnan looking for Hae.
  • Police call Adnan looking for Hae.
  • Jay and Adnan drive to Jay's house to get shovels.
  • Jay and Adnan return to the Park and Ride to retrieve Hae's car.
  • Adnan and Jay arrive at Leakin Park and bury Hae's body in the woods.
  • Adnan and Jay drive around for 30 minutes until finally ditching Hae's car in a residential lot.
  • Adnan throws Hae's things and the shovels into a dumpster at Westview Mall.
  • Adnan drops Jay off at home.
  • Jenn picks Jay up and he tells her that Adnan killed Hae. She takes him to the F&M and he throws his clothes in a dumpster. Then they go back to the dumpster at Westview Mall and he wipes his fingerprints off the shovels.

    Jenn told the detectives that she took Jay to throw his clothes out the next day.

  • Jay goes to see Stephanie. Then Jenn and Jay go back to 'Cathy's' for the rest of the evening until Jay goes home.

Timeline 13th Century

Jay's Testimony 2nd Trial

  • Jay gets a call from Adnan.
  • Adnan arrives at Jay's house. They go to Security Square Mall for about an hour and 15 minutes. On their way there, Adnan tells Jay he's going to kill Hae.
  • Jay drops Adnan off at school and keeps Adnan's cell phone and car.

    In court, the prosecutor asks Jay to look at the 12:07 p.m. call to Jenn's house. Jay says he remembers making the call while he was driving to Jenn's house from Woodlawn High School.

  • Jay goes to Jenn's house. She's not home, but Jay and her brother play video games for about 30 minutes.
  • Jay and Jenn's brother go to a mall so Jay can finish his shopping.

    Jay says Adnan called the cell phone right before he and Jenn's brother left for the mall. He says Adnan was calling to see where Jay was, but told Jay he wasn't ready to be picked up yet. After the 12:43 p.m. call, the next incoming call on the call log is at 2:36 p.m. and it lasts five seconds.

  • Jay and Jenn's brother return to Jenn's house.

    Jay says Adnan called him after they got back from shopping, to see if the cell phone was turned on.

  • Jenn gets home from work.

    Jenn testifies that she got home from work around 1:30 p.m., before Jay came over.

  • Adnan calls again on the cell phone and asks Jay to pick him up at 3:45 p.m.
  • Jay doesn't hear from Adnan, so he leaves Jenn's house to go to his friend Jeff's.
  • Jeff wasn't home. As Jay is turning off Jeff's street, Adnan calls Jay and asks him to get him at Best Buy.

    In their closing statement, the prosecution contends that this was the 2:36 p.m. incoming call. But both Jay and Jenn say he left her house between 3:30 p.m. and 3:45 p.m.

  • Jay drives to Best Buy, where Adnan shows him Hae's body in the trunk of her car.
  • Adnan and Jay ditch Hae's car at the I-70 Park and Ride.
  • They drive towards Patrick's house to try to buy weed. Patrick isn't home, so they head to Forest Park to buy it.

    In court, the prosecution asks Jay about a phone call made from Adnan's cell phone to Jenn's house at 3:21 p.m. Jay testifies that he was calling Jenn to find out if she knew if Patrick was at home. But the cell tower that originates this call - L651A - would not have covered the area where Jay says they were driving. Plus, by both Jay and Jenn's telling, Jay hasn't left Jenn's house yet at 3:21 p.m.

  • If Jay's time estimates have been relatively on target, then his story is an hour off from the story the cell phone records tell.
  • Adnan calls Nisha, and Jay talks to her briefly.

    In court, the prosecution asks Jay to identify this call to Nisha, which occurs at 3:32 p.m. on the call log. Jay says they were on Forest Park Ave. at the time, which is an area that isn't covered by the cell tower that originates this call, L651C.

  • Jay calls Phil and Patrick.

    In court, Jay identifies these calls as occurring at 3:48 p.m. and 3:59 p.m. Jay says they were driving on Forest Park Ave. at the time, which is an area that isn't covered by the cell tower that originates this call, L651A.

  • Adnan and Jay buy weed near Forest Park Ave.
  • Jay calls Jenn to see if 'Cathy' is home.
  • Jay drops Adnan off for track practice.
  • Jay drives to 'Cathy's' house.
  • Adnan calls Jay on the cell phone and asks Jay to pick him up from track practice.
  • Jay picks Adnan up from track practice.
  • Adnan and Jay go back to 'Cathy's' house.

    During this time, Jay says Adnan received two phone calls from Hae's family and one from a police officer, all looking for Hae. There are three incoming calls on the call log - at 6:07 p.m., 6:09 p.m. and 6:24 p.m. - that could be these calls.

  • Adnan and Jay leave 'Cathy's' and drive to Jay's house, where they get two shovels.
  • Adnan and Jay drive to the Park and Ride. Adnan gets in Hae's car and tells Jay to wait for him at McDonald's.
  • Until 11 p.m., we don't have any more time references, we only know the order of events.
  • Adnan meets Jay at McDonald's.
  • They drive around for 45 minutes and finally arrive in Leakin Park.
  • Jay and Adnan bury Hae in the woods.

    In court, Jay says that Jenn called Adnan's cell phone while they were digging the hole. This call would have been the 7:09 p.m. incoming call. Crumplepop metal titles (final cut pro x) download free. He also says Adnan received another phone call - the 7:16 p.m. incoming call on the call log - and that he spoke in Arabic during that call. The cell tower that originates these calls covers Leakin Park.

  • Adnan and Jay drive around a while before ditching Hae's car in a residential lot.

    In court, Jay identifies two phone calls - at 8:04 p.m. and 8:05 p.m. - that he made to Jenn's pager while he and Adnan were on the way to Westview Mall, asking her to pick him up.

  • Adnan throws some of Hae's things into a dumpster at Westview Mall and Jay throws the shovels into a dumpster behind Value City.
  • Adnan drops Jay off at home, or Jenn picks Jay up at the mall and takes him home. Jay changes his clothes and he and Jenn drive back to Westview Mall where he wipes his fingerprints off the shovels.
  • Jay and Jenn drive to Super Fresh where Jay throws his clothes in a dumpster.

    Jenn testifies that she drove Jay to get rid of his clothes the next day, not that night.

  • Jenn drives Jay to Stephanie's house, where he gives Stephanie her birthday presents.
  • Jay and Jenn spend the rest of the night at 'Cathy's' apartment.
  • Jay gets back home for the night.

Follow Serial

This article (also a picture) presents a timeline of events in the history of Microsoft Windowsoperating systems from 1985.

The Windows family tree

PC use[edit]

Release dateTitleArchitecturesUnsupported atBased Upon
November 20, 1985Windows 1.0x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
December 9, 1987Windows 2.0x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
May 27, 1988Windows 2.10x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
March 13, 1989Windows 2.11x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
May 22, 1990Windows 3.0x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
October 20, 1991Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensionsx86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
April 6, 1992Windows 3.1x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
July 27, 1993Windows NT 3.1IA-32, DEC Alpha, MIPSDecember 31, 2001Windows NT
November 8, 1993Windows for Workgroups 3.11x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
September 21, 1994Windows NT 3.5IA-32, DEC Alpha, MIPSDecember 31, 2001Windows NT
May 30, 1995Windows NT 3.51IA-32, DEC Alpha, MIPS, PowerPCDecember 31, 2001Windows NT
August 24, 1995Windows 95IA-32December 31, 2001MS-DOS, Windows 9x
August 24, 1996Windows NT 4.0IA-32, DEC Alpha, MIPS, PowerPCDecember 31, 2001Windows NT
June 25, 1998Windows 98IA-32July 11, 2006MS-DOS
May 5, 1999Windows 98 SEIA-32July 11, 2006MS-DOS
February 17, 2000Windows 2000IA-32July 11, 2006Windows NT
September 14, 2000Windows MeIA-32July 11, 2006MS-DOS
October 25, 2001Windows XPIA-32April 8, 2014Windows NT
October 25, 2001[1]Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (v2002)ItaniumWindows NT
October 31, 2002Windows XP Media Center EditionIA-32Windows NT
March 28, 2003[2]Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (v2003)ItaniumWindows NT
April 24, 2003Windows Server 2003IA-32, x64, ItaniumWindows NT
September 30, 2003Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004IA-32Windows NT
October 12, 2004Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005IA-32Windows NT
April 25, 2005Windows XP Professional x64 Editionx64Windows NT
December 6, 2005Windows Server 2003 R2IA-32, x64, ItaniumWindows NT
July 8, 2006Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCsIA-32Windows NT
November 30, 2006Windows Vista for Business useIA-32, x64April 11, 2012[3]Windows NT
January 30, 2007Windows Vista for Home use; released in fifty countriesIA-32, x64April 11, 2012Windows NT
November 7, 2007Windows Home ServerIA-32, x64Windows NT
February 27, 2008Windows Server 2008IA-32, x64Windows NT
October 22, 2009Windows 7IA-32, x64January 14, 2020[4]Windows NT
October 22, 2009Windows Server 2008 R2x64Windows NT
April 6, 2011Windows Home Server 2011x64Windows NT
July 1, 2011Windows Thin PCIA-32[5]Windows NT
September 4, 2012Windows Server 2012x64Windows NT
October 26, 2012Windows 8IA-32, x64Windows NT
October 26, 2012Windows RTARMWindows NT
October 18, 2013Windows 8.1IA-32, x64Windows NT
October 18, 2013Windows RT 8.1ARMWindows NT
October 18, 2013Windows Server 2012 R2x64Windows NT
July 29, 2015Windows 10IA-32, x64, ARMWindows NT
September 27, 2016Windows Server 2016x64Windows NT
October 2, 2018Windows Server 2019x64Windows NT

Mobile use[edit]

1 3 Times 1 3

Timeline of Windows CE Development
November 16, 1996Windows CE 1.0
June 25, 1997Windows CE 1.01
September 29, 1997Windows CE 2.0
November 1, 1997Windows CE 2.0Handheld PC (H/PC)
January 8, 1998Windows CE 2.01Palm-sized PC, Pocket PC (P/PC) and smartphone
January 8, 1998Windows CE 2.01Auto PC
March 1, 1998Windows CE 2.10
July 1, 1999Windows CE 2.11
September 28, 1999Windows CE 2.12
April 19, 2000Windows CE 3.0
April 19, 2000Pocket PC 2000Palm-sized PC, Pocket PC (P/PC) and smartphone
September 25, 2000Windows CE 3.0 Core Add-on Pack
October 4, 2001Pocket PC 2002Palm-sized PC, Pocket PC (P/PC) and smartphone
January 7, 2002Windows CE 4.0
June 1, 2002Windows CE 4.1 .NET Core
April 23, 2003Windows CE 4.2 .NET Core
June 23, 2003Windows Mobile 2003
March 24, 2004Windows Mobile 2003 SE
July 9, 2004Windows CE 5.0
May 9, 2005Windows Mobile 5.0
September 15, 2006Windows CE 6.0
February 12, 2007Windows Mobile 6.0
April 1, 2008Windows Mobile 6.1
May 11, 2009Windows Mobile 6.5
November 8, 2010Windows Phone 7
March 1, 2011Windows Embedded Compact 7
October 29, 2012Windows Phone 8
June 13, 2013Windows Embedded Compact 2013
April 14, 2014Windows Phone 8.1
November 20, 2015Windows 10 Mobile

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Microsoft Unveils Plans for 64-Bit Windows Platform'. News Center. Microsoft. May 23, 2001.
  2. ^'Microsoft Releases Windows XP 64-Bit Edition Version 2003 to Manufacturing'. News Center. Microsoft. March 28, 2003.
  3. ^'Microsoft Support Lifecycle'. Support. Microsoft. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
  4. ^'Microsoft Support Lifecycle'. Support. Microsoft. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
  5. ^'Microsoft Windows Thin PC Specs'. CNET. CBS Interactive.

Jay's 2nd Interview

  • Jay gets a call from Adnan.
  • Adnan arrives at Jay's house. They go to Security Square Mall and Adnan tells Jay that he's going to kill Hae.
  • Jay drops Adnan off at school and keeps Adnan's phone and car.
  • Jay goes to Jenn's house and plays video games with her brother.
  • Jenn comes home from work. Jay tells Jenn about Adnan's plans to kill Hae.
  • Jay gets three calls from Adnan while at Jenn's house, two on the cell phone and one on Jenn's landline.
  • Jay doesn't hear from Adnan, so he leaves Jenn's house.
  • Adnan calls Jay when Jay is halfway home to say 'Come and get me, I'm at Best Buy.'
  • Adnan shows Jay Hae's body in the trunk of her car at the Best Buy parking lot.
  • Adnan and Jay ditch Hae's car at the I-70 Park and Ride and head to the Forest Park neighborhood looking for weed.
  • On the way to Forest Park to buy weed, Adnan calls Nisha.

    The cell tower that originates this call is L651C, which doesn't cover the area where Jay says they're driving.

  • Jay calls his friend Patrick to score some weed.

    The cell tower that originates this call is L651A, which doesn't cover the area where Jay says they're driving.

  • Adnan and Jay smoke a blunt at Patapsco State Park. They stay there 20-30 minutes.
  • Jay drops Adnan off at track practice.
  • Jay drives to Gilston Park to smoke a blunt by himself. Then he drives back to his house, and then to 'Cathy's' house to smoke weed there for another 10-20 minutes.
  • Adnan calls Jay on the cell phone and asks Jay to pick him up from track practice.
  • Jay picks Adnan up from track practice.
  • Jay and Adnan go back to 'Cathy's' house.
  • Hae's brother calls Adnan looking for Hae.
  • Police call Adnan looking for Hae.
  • Jay and Adnan drive to Jay's house to get shovels.
  • Jay and Adnan return to the Park and Ride to retrieve Hae's car.
  • Adnan and Jay arrive at Leakin Park and bury Hae's body in the woods.
  • Adnan and Jay drive around for 30 minutes until finally ditching Hae's car in a residential lot.
  • Adnan throws Hae's things and the shovels into a dumpster at Westview Mall.
  • Adnan drops Jay off at home.
  • Jenn picks Jay up and he tells her that Adnan killed Hae. She takes him to the F&M and he throws his clothes in a dumpster. Then they go back to the dumpster at Westview Mall and he wipes his fingerprints off the shovels.

    Jenn told the detectives that she took Jay to throw his clothes out the next day.

  • Jay goes to see Stephanie. Then Jenn and Jay go back to 'Cathy's' for the rest of the evening until Jay goes home.

Timeline 13th Century

Jay's Testimony 2nd Trial

  • Jay gets a call from Adnan.
  • Adnan arrives at Jay's house. They go to Security Square Mall for about an hour and 15 minutes. On their way there, Adnan tells Jay he's going to kill Hae.
  • Jay drops Adnan off at school and keeps Adnan's cell phone and car.

    In court, the prosecutor asks Jay to look at the 12:07 p.m. call to Jenn's house. Jay says he remembers making the call while he was driving to Jenn's house from Woodlawn High School.

  • Jay goes to Jenn's house. She's not home, but Jay and her brother play video games for about 30 minutes.
  • Jay and Jenn's brother go to a mall so Jay can finish his shopping.

    Jay says Adnan called the cell phone right before he and Jenn's brother left for the mall. He says Adnan was calling to see where Jay was, but told Jay he wasn't ready to be picked up yet. After the 12:43 p.m. call, the next incoming call on the call log is at 2:36 p.m. and it lasts five seconds.

  • Jay and Jenn's brother return to Jenn's house.

    Jay says Adnan called him after they got back from shopping, to see if the cell phone was turned on.

  • Jenn gets home from work.

    Jenn testifies that she got home from work around 1:30 p.m., before Jay came over.

  • Adnan calls again on the cell phone and asks Jay to pick him up at 3:45 p.m.
  • Jay doesn't hear from Adnan, so he leaves Jenn's house to go to his friend Jeff's.
  • Jeff wasn't home. As Jay is turning off Jeff's street, Adnan calls Jay and asks him to get him at Best Buy.

    In their closing statement, the prosecution contends that this was the 2:36 p.m. incoming call. But both Jay and Jenn say he left her house between 3:30 p.m. and 3:45 p.m.

  • Jay drives to Best Buy, where Adnan shows him Hae's body in the trunk of her car.
  • Adnan and Jay ditch Hae's car at the I-70 Park and Ride.
  • They drive towards Patrick's house to try to buy weed. Patrick isn't home, so they head to Forest Park to buy it.

    In court, the prosecution asks Jay about a phone call made from Adnan's cell phone to Jenn's house at 3:21 p.m. Jay testifies that he was calling Jenn to find out if she knew if Patrick was at home. But the cell tower that originates this call - L651A - would not have covered the area where Jay says they were driving. Plus, by both Jay and Jenn's telling, Jay hasn't left Jenn's house yet at 3:21 p.m.

  • If Jay's time estimates have been relatively on target, then his story is an hour off from the story the cell phone records tell.
  • Adnan calls Nisha, and Jay talks to her briefly.

    In court, the prosecution asks Jay to identify this call to Nisha, which occurs at 3:32 p.m. on the call log. Jay says they were on Forest Park Ave. at the time, which is an area that isn't covered by the cell tower that originates this call, L651C.

  • Jay calls Phil and Patrick.

    In court, Jay identifies these calls as occurring at 3:48 p.m. and 3:59 p.m. Jay says they were driving on Forest Park Ave. at the time, which is an area that isn't covered by the cell tower that originates this call, L651A.

  • Adnan and Jay buy weed near Forest Park Ave.
  • Jay calls Jenn to see if 'Cathy' is home.
  • Jay drops Adnan off for track practice.
  • Jay drives to 'Cathy's' house.
  • Adnan calls Jay on the cell phone and asks Jay to pick him up from track practice.
  • Jay picks Adnan up from track practice.
  • Adnan and Jay go back to 'Cathy's' house.

    During this time, Jay says Adnan received two phone calls from Hae's family and one from a police officer, all looking for Hae. There are three incoming calls on the call log - at 6:07 p.m., 6:09 p.m. and 6:24 p.m. - that could be these calls.

  • Adnan and Jay leave 'Cathy's' and drive to Jay's house, where they get two shovels.
  • Adnan and Jay drive to the Park and Ride. Adnan gets in Hae's car and tells Jay to wait for him at McDonald's.
  • Until 11 p.m., we don't have any more time references, we only know the order of events.
  • Adnan meets Jay at McDonald's.
  • They drive around for 45 minutes and finally arrive in Leakin Park.
  • Jay and Adnan bury Hae in the woods.

    In court, Jay says that Jenn called Adnan's cell phone while they were digging the hole. This call would have been the 7:09 p.m. incoming call. Crumplepop metal titles (final cut pro x) download free. He also says Adnan received another phone call - the 7:16 p.m. incoming call on the call log - and that he spoke in Arabic during that call. The cell tower that originates these calls covers Leakin Park.

  • Adnan and Jay drive around a while before ditching Hae's car in a residential lot.

    In court, Jay identifies two phone calls - at 8:04 p.m. and 8:05 p.m. - that he made to Jenn's pager while he and Adnan were on the way to Westview Mall, asking her to pick him up.

  • Adnan throws some of Hae's things into a dumpster at Westview Mall and Jay throws the shovels into a dumpster behind Value City.
  • Adnan drops Jay off at home, or Jenn picks Jay up at the mall and takes him home. Jay changes his clothes and he and Jenn drive back to Westview Mall where he wipes his fingerprints off the shovels.
  • Jay and Jenn drive to Super Fresh where Jay throws his clothes in a dumpster.

    Jenn testifies that she drove Jay to get rid of his clothes the next day, not that night.

  • Jenn drives Jay to Stephanie's house, where he gives Stephanie her birthday presents.
  • Jay and Jenn spend the rest of the night at 'Cathy's' apartment.
  • Jay gets back home for the night.

Follow Serial

This article (also a picture) presents a timeline of events in the history of Microsoft Windowsoperating systems from 1985.

The Windows family tree

PC use[edit]

Release dateTitleArchitecturesUnsupported atBased Upon
November 20, 1985Windows 1.0x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
December 9, 1987Windows 2.0x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
May 27, 1988Windows 2.10x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
March 13, 1989Windows 2.11x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
May 22, 1990Windows 3.0x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
October 20, 1991Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensionsx86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
April 6, 1992Windows 3.1x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
July 27, 1993Windows NT 3.1IA-32, DEC Alpha, MIPSDecember 31, 2001Windows NT
November 8, 1993Windows for Workgroups 3.11x86 – 16-bitDecember 31, 2001MS-DOS
September 21, 1994Windows NT 3.5IA-32, DEC Alpha, MIPSDecember 31, 2001Windows NT
May 30, 1995Windows NT 3.51IA-32, DEC Alpha, MIPS, PowerPCDecember 31, 2001Windows NT
August 24, 1995Windows 95IA-32December 31, 2001MS-DOS, Windows 9x
August 24, 1996Windows NT 4.0IA-32, DEC Alpha, MIPS, PowerPCDecember 31, 2001Windows NT
June 25, 1998Windows 98IA-32July 11, 2006MS-DOS
May 5, 1999Windows 98 SEIA-32July 11, 2006MS-DOS
February 17, 2000Windows 2000IA-32July 11, 2006Windows NT
September 14, 2000Windows MeIA-32July 11, 2006MS-DOS
October 25, 2001Windows XPIA-32April 8, 2014Windows NT
October 25, 2001[1]Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (v2002)ItaniumWindows NT
October 31, 2002Windows XP Media Center EditionIA-32Windows NT
March 28, 2003[2]Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (v2003)ItaniumWindows NT
April 24, 2003Windows Server 2003IA-32, x64, ItaniumWindows NT
September 30, 2003Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004IA-32Windows NT
October 12, 2004Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005IA-32Windows NT
April 25, 2005Windows XP Professional x64 Editionx64Windows NT
December 6, 2005Windows Server 2003 R2IA-32, x64, ItaniumWindows NT
July 8, 2006Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCsIA-32Windows NT
November 30, 2006Windows Vista for Business useIA-32, x64April 11, 2012[3]Windows NT
January 30, 2007Windows Vista for Home use; released in fifty countriesIA-32, x64April 11, 2012Windows NT
November 7, 2007Windows Home ServerIA-32, x64Windows NT
February 27, 2008Windows Server 2008IA-32, x64Windows NT
October 22, 2009Windows 7IA-32, x64January 14, 2020[4]Windows NT
October 22, 2009Windows Server 2008 R2x64Windows NT
April 6, 2011Windows Home Server 2011x64Windows NT
July 1, 2011Windows Thin PCIA-32[5]Windows NT
September 4, 2012Windows Server 2012x64Windows NT
October 26, 2012Windows 8IA-32, x64Windows NT
October 26, 2012Windows RTARMWindows NT
October 18, 2013Windows 8.1IA-32, x64Windows NT
October 18, 2013Windows RT 8.1ARMWindows NT
October 18, 2013Windows Server 2012 R2x64Windows NT
July 29, 2015Windows 10IA-32, x64, ARMWindows NT
September 27, 2016Windows Server 2016x64Windows NT
October 2, 2018Windows Server 2019x64Windows NT

Mobile use[edit]

1 3 Times 1 3

Timeline of Windows CE Development
November 16, 1996Windows CE 1.0
June 25, 1997Windows CE 1.01
September 29, 1997Windows CE 2.0
November 1, 1997Windows CE 2.0Handheld PC (H/PC)
January 8, 1998Windows CE 2.01Palm-sized PC, Pocket PC (P/PC) and smartphone
January 8, 1998Windows CE 2.01Auto PC
March 1, 1998Windows CE 2.10
July 1, 1999Windows CE 2.11
September 28, 1999Windows CE 2.12
April 19, 2000Windows CE 3.0
April 19, 2000Pocket PC 2000Palm-sized PC, Pocket PC (P/PC) and smartphone
September 25, 2000Windows CE 3.0 Core Add-on Pack
October 4, 2001Pocket PC 2002Palm-sized PC, Pocket PC (P/PC) and smartphone
January 7, 2002Windows CE 4.0
June 1, 2002Windows CE 4.1 .NET Core
April 23, 2003Windows CE 4.2 .NET Core
June 23, 2003Windows Mobile 2003
March 24, 2004Windows Mobile 2003 SE
July 9, 2004Windows CE 5.0
May 9, 2005Windows Mobile 5.0
September 15, 2006Windows CE 6.0
February 12, 2007Windows Mobile 6.0
April 1, 2008Windows Mobile 6.1
May 11, 2009Windows Mobile 6.5
November 8, 2010Windows Phone 7
March 1, 2011Windows Embedded Compact 7
October 29, 2012Windows Phone 8
June 13, 2013Windows Embedded Compact 2013
April 14, 2014Windows Phone 8.1
November 20, 2015Windows 10 Mobile

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Microsoft Unveils Plans for 64-Bit Windows Platform'. News Center. Microsoft. May 23, 2001.
  2. ^'Microsoft Releases Windows XP 64-Bit Edition Version 2003 to Manufacturing'. News Center. Microsoft. March 28, 2003.
  3. ^'Microsoft Support Lifecycle'. Support. Microsoft. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
  4. ^'Microsoft Support Lifecycle'. Support. Microsoft. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
  5. ^'Microsoft Windows Thin PC Specs'. CNET. CBS Interactive.

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External links[edit]

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